Dr. Dorothy Atuhura holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of Missouri, along with M.A. degrees in Literature and Linguistics from Makerere University in Uganda and the University of Leeds in the UK. Her scholarship is interdisciplinary and focuses on the intersectional study of Black gender and sexuality in a global context. She studies Black literary and cultural expressions from both Africa and the diaspora, with a specific interest in the intersection of gender and sexuality in Black women and girls’ experiences with race, global migration, the global framing of their health, and the multifaceted politics related to their access, retention, and completion of education cycles.
BL_STU 1000/H Introduction to Black Studies
BL_STU 3005(3024) Black Women & Reproductive Justice (Online ASYNC)
BL_STU 4804/W Historical Studies of Black Women
“Examining the use of Technology in Literature Teaching and Learning at University in Uganda” in Esimaje Alexandra, et al., (Eds.) Teaching English in Higher Education in Africa, with Nambi Rebecca, Routledge, 2023.
“The Metaphor of War in Political Discourse on COVID-19 in Uganda,” Frontiers in Communication, vol. 6, 2022.
“Landscapes of Distant Suffering: Interrogating Humanitarian Documentary Film Representation of ‘Harmful’ Cultural Practices,” Journal of African Cultural Studies, 34(4), 2022.
“Framing the Other: Rethinking Media Representations of Mursi Women’s Display of Gendered Lip-Plated Bodies,” Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, no. 16, 2020.
“Interrogating transnational documentary film evidence on Uganda’s homophobia,” Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture 1(2), 2016.
“Folk Arts and Transition,” Museum of Art and Archaeology Magazine, no. 69, 2016.
Books in Progress:
Culture Wars: Unmasking Persistence of Gendered “Harmful” Bodylore
Queer Voices and Shadows: Examining Gender and Sexuality through Africa